Welcome to aind-data-schema

This repository contains the schema used to define metadata for Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics (AIND) data. All data is accompanied by a collection of JSON files that include the metadata that provide detailed information about the data, how it was acquired, and how it was processed and analyzed. The metadata also including administrative information including licenses and restrictions on publication. The purpose of these files is to provide complete experimental details and documentation so that all users have a thorough understanding of the data.

As experimental and analytical methods continue to develop, and new experiments and projects are added to the AIND portfolio, these schema will continue to evolve in order to capture the full range of our work.

A given data asset will have the following JSON files:

  • data_description: Administrative metadata about the source of the data, funding, relevant licenses, and restrictions on use.

  • subject: Metadata about the subject used in the experiments, including genotype, age, sex, and source.

  • procedures: Metadata about any procedures performed prior to data acquisition, including subject procedures (surgeries, behavior training, etc.) and specimen procedures (tissue preparation, staining, etc.).

  • rig or instrument: Metadata describing the equipment used to acquire data, including part names, serial numbers, and configuration details.

  • session or acquisition: Metadata describing how the data was acquired

  • processing: Metadata describing how data has been processed and analyzed into derived data assets, including information on the software and parameters used for processing and analysis.

  • quality_control: Metadata describing how the data has been evaluated for quality control.


An example subject file:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

from aind_data_schema_models.organizations import Organization
from aind_data_schema_models.species import Species

from aind_data_schema.core.subject import BreedingInfo, Housing, Sex, Subject

t = datetime(2022, 11, 22, 8, 43, 00, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

s = Subject(
      maternal_genotype="Emx1-IRES-Cre/wt; Camk2a-tTa/Camk2a-tTA",
   housing=Housing(home_cage_enrichment=["Running wheel"], cage_id="123"),
serialized = s.model_dump_json()
deserialized = Subject.model_validate_json(serialized)

yields JSON:

   "describedBy": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AllenNeuralDynamics/aind-data-schema/main/src/aind_data_schema/core/subject.py",
   "schema_version": "0.5.8",
   "subject_id": "12345",
   "sex": "Male",
   "date_of_birth": "2022-11-22",
   "genotype": "Emx1-IRES-Cre/wt;Camk2a-tTA/wt;Ai93(TITL-GCaMP6f)/wt",
   "species": {
      "name": "Mus musculus",
      "abbreviation": null,
      "registry": {
         "name": "National Center for Biotechnology Information",
         "abbreviation": "NCBI"
      "registry_identifier": "10090"
   "alleles": [],
   "background_strain": "C57BL/6J",
   "breeding_info": {
      "breeding_group": "Emx1-IRES-Cre(ND)",
      "maternal_id": "546543",
      "maternal_genotype": "Emx1-IRES-Cre/wt; Camk2a-tTa/Camk2a-tTA",
      "paternal_id": "232323",
      "paternal_genotype": "Ai93(TITL-GCaMP6f)/wt"
   "source": {
      "name": "Allen Institute",
      "abbreviation": "AI",
      "registry": {
         "name": "Research Organization Registry",
         "abbreviation": "ROR"
      "registry_identifier": "03cpe7c52"
   "rrid": null,
   "restrictions": null,
   "wellness_reports": [],
   "housing": {
      "cage_id": "123",
      "room_id": null,
      "light_cycle": null,
      "home_cage_enrichment": [
         "Running wheel"
      "cohoused_subjects": []
   "notes": null

Flexibility, versioning, and upgrading

aind-data-schema is versioned using Semantic Versioning. The core schemas listed above also have their own version numbers, which are documented in the schema_version field of any JSON file they are used to generate. Documenting the schema version in this way allows users to know how to interpret the files.

Schema versioning in this way is essential for flexibility. As science evolves, new concepts and nomenclature will emerge or replace existing terms. By versioning the schema, we can ensure that data assets are always tagged with the appropriate metadata at the time they were acquired.

When a new version of a schema is released, data collectors can decide if they want to update the metadata from their existing data assets to the new schema. As needed we add metadata upgrading capabilities to aind-metadata-upgrader. This python library is not comprehensive - it contains only the upgrade functions that have been needed to date.

Controlled vocabularies

aind-data-schema relies heavily on controlled vocabularies to validate metadata. Because these grow over time, we don’t want adding e.g. a manufacturer to constitute a new revision of the schema. We therefore store many controlled vocabularies in a separate repository: aind-data-schema-models.

Indices and tables